Friday, December 28, 2012

A evidence based Wikipedia would be nice

Just a brief rant about the Wikipedia conundrum.  It would be an even better source of knowledge and learning if all the links to all the science were left in each articles links section.  One reason I started this blog was to be able to put all my science links in one place, and have them stay there.  Along with enough information to know what the article or page said about something.

(edit August 2014)

I started my own Wikipedia, it was easier than complaining about missing articles and the lack of science.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The plural of anecdote is data Part II

Considering the tweets during the 2011 Virginia earthquake.  Mapping the twitter activity (anecdotal) about the earthquake shows clearly the waves travelling out from the epicenter, as well as the very quick re-tweeting that spread the information about it worldwide, faster than any other technology of the time.

tl:dr Twitter (anecdotal evidence) shows clearly that the plural of anecdotes is data.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Climatic History

This topic is so huge, and so changing, I can't do it justice at the moment.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

March 17 2011 NHK reported that the helicopters dumping water measured  375 R/hr at 300 ft. above the building
source enews
source enformable

The old way of measuring human dose rates was Rems, which the US still uses,  The international standard is Sieverts.

100 Rems = 1 Sievert

Friday, June 8, 2012

Visitors by OS

The current breakdown of visitors by Operating System.  Win95?  Seriously?
WinXP10226 (35.87%)
WinNT6.16842 (24.00%)
WinNT6.05245 (18.40%)
Mac4046 (14.19%)
Unknown975 (3.42%)
Linux657 (2.30%)
MacOSX223 (0.78%)
WinNT95 (0.33%)
Win200081 (0.28%)
WinNT5.279 (0.28%)
Win9817 (0.06%)
MacPPC8 (0.03%)
WinMe6 (0.02%)
SunOS2 (0.01%)
WinNT6.21 (0.00%)
Win951 (0.00%)
WinNT4.01 (0.00%)

Blood Without Fear, thanks limes and lemons

Some slightly random information from 2001. Scientists figure out how to purify all blood, using psoralens (SOAR-uh-linz), chemical compounds commonly found in fruits and vegetables, including figs, turnips, and citrus fruits/
On a bench top in hematologist Larry Corash's lab sits a white plastic box 31/2 feet long and 1 foot high, sporting a control panel and a computer screen. Corash slides a tray out of the box, lays two plastic bags of blood plasma on it, closes the tray, hits a button, and waits. In just three minutes the box hands him the purest plasma on Earth. Every blood-borne disease-causing virus and bacterium lurking in it has been destroyed. "The bugs," as Corash calls them, are dead. Discover Magazine 2001
Yes, naturally occurring compounds in fruits and veggies can purify blood.  They also can purify water.